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6 Tips to Clean Out Your Storage Unit

Tips to Clean out Your Storage Unit

Our homes and offices aren’t the only spaces we need to clean out and declutter because storage units also accumulate things that you don’t need in the long run. And if they get cluttered, it will be one less storage space for you, which is a disadvantage when you have a lot of items to store away from your house. 

Here are tips to clean out your storage unit:

1. Decide the Purpose of Decluttering Your Storage Unit

Cleaning out your storage unit can be as simple as starting with the purpose of why you’re doing it in the first place. Do you want to fully empty your storage unit? Are you planning to store items and you need more storage space? Whatever the purpose is, may it be to downsize or not, being able to determine your purpose for decluttering your storage unit will help set you off to a good start. 

2. Determine a Day to Declutter

Decluttering takes time so it’s important to determine a day to do it because it will really be a process you’ll have to bear with. Neglecting to set aside a schedule for this will only cause you to cram and stress out, and no one wants that, right? Doing this lets you have ample time to sort everything out and properly check which ones need to go and which ones can still be stored. Plan out a day that’s most convenient for you and take your time decluttering your things in the storage unit. 

3. Create an Inventory of Your Things

Creating an inventory isn’t only applicable when you’re just preparing to store your things, but it also applies when you want to clean out your storage unit. This allows you to keep track of what is in your storage unit — the things you’ll continue to store and the ones that you’ll need to put away. It’s possible that you have forgotten some of the items that you’ve put up for storage and don’t really need them at present, so it’s helpful to keep a list when you do decide to clean out your storage unit after some time.  

4. Plan a Method of Organizing Your Things

Cleaning out your storage unit can be a piece of work, so it’s best to plan a method of organizing your things. Go through your things in the storage unit and sort them out properly. You can start on one side of the unit then proceed to the next. It all depends on where you prefer to start – it can be from front to back, farther left or right, whichever way you want it. As long as you get to build a good systematic approach, you’ll stress less about how you’re going to go through every storage box. You can also designate boxes to categorize your things. See to it that you label them according to their contents such as To Sell, To Donate, To Keep, or To Throw Away. 

5. Don’t Hesitate to Bid Your Things Farewell

One of the hardest things when it comes to cleaning out your storage unit is when you have to deal with items that have sentimental value to you, but practicality-wise, are not useful anymore. Don’t hesitate to bid your things farewell and make room for more things that you can actually utilize for a longer period of time. Being fine with letting go of some old stuff can help you better sort out your things in the storage unit. 

6. Consider Hiring a Junk Removal Company

If you have a lot of things to dispose of from your storage unit, you may consider hiring a junk removal company to help you speed up the process of taking out the unnecessary items. This is especially beneficial if you’re the only one cleaning out your storage unit and you need to free-up more space in a jiffy. Just make sure that you’ve already sorted out your things before you contact a junk removal company so that none of the things that you’ll keep will be placed together with the “to throw” box piles. 

In need of a self-storage unit nearby to store your belongings? Contact us today and we will be glad to assist you!